Probationary shooting, Big-sister is tweeting, biscuit vs scones … | Come See This Thing #462

Series of posts about different things I read, saw or listened to brought together to create a somewhat related individual rant.

uncommonly nonsensical sentencing

If the laws already present related to guns, or other things’ were actually evenly and capably enforced, much of the primary reasons for politicos and statists to excuse a bigger state and expanded powers. Folk on the left are not consistently against crimes with guns, but rather the sort of people that commit them.

Here is a case where a leftist back in the ‘mostly peaceful’ summer of 2020 shot into a crowd while trying to hit a car that was fleeing their ‘mostly peaceful’ gathering. 2 folk were hit by bullets. Judge gave the criminal 5 years probation.

From FOX31:

“Young will serve 90 days in jail for the first count of second-degree assault and an additional 30 days consecutively after for the second count as part of his sentencing. Young already has credit for 50 days served in jail.

The prosecution in Arapahoe County was seeking six years in the Department of Corrections, which was significantly less than the maximum time he faced under sentencing guidelines, which was 16 years.

Judge Ben Leutwyler said there were many factors to consider in this case, including rehabilitation and deterrence.”

Maybe during the case they found out those who were hit were commies so it was found that no humans were hurt during this all? It is probably relatively easy to rationalize this away if you believe that the protests were for a greater good. Pick any of the books of the Abrahamic religions. Flip to a random page. Read a bit and you’ll find some generally despicable things being done that believers will consider acceptable for the greater good.

Belief is a heck of a thing.

this is not a parody

This is normal.

Entirely normal.

Millions of people think that was actually praiseworthy.

The entire institution itself is a no to me but then the delivery. Is this considered within the sector to be great presentation? Again believers in the greater good would be embracing this like they embrace the general idea of omniscient surveillance and control over their lives because they believe the entity doing it is good.

biscuit in a basket

Some things are called different things when the X does not change. Some have a slight change to the X and may get confused for one or the other. When is it a coup or insurrection when is it a peaceful summer of love occupation of several city blocks?

What changes about the concept of trusting that an all seeing and powerful oversight is desirable when its a bronze age middle eastern sky deity versus unelected bureaucrats under the reportedly most popular(voted for) president in the history of the USA?

When is a pastlry a biscuit versus a scone? From all recipes:

“Now, don’t get confused with the term “biscuits” if you’re from overseas. In the United States, biscuits are a fluffy, often round, pastry that’s served as a breakfast staple or dinner side. British “biscuits,” on the other hand, are what we Yanks call cookies.

It’s easy to see how some people can confuse a biscuit with a scone and vice versa. Each made with leaveners like baking soda and baking powder, scones and biscuits are both considered “quick breads” because they require no rising before baking.”

This was mixed up for me growing up. Lived in France then Kenya until 10. I still think of cookies as things like chocolate chip, or oreo type things with cream on ir inside them. But when it’s the shortbread ones I think biscuits. Even thought hey are close to sugar cookies of which I tend to consider cookies. Maybe it’s how sweet they are that does it for me.

I dont think i’lll ever really get into calling cones ‘biscuits’ even though biscuits and gravy is a rather good dish. On the topic of baking this exists.

Good reminder that tens of millions of people actually consider Harris to have been a hero in the Kavanaugh hearings.

Also if she can be VP then why not you? You can bake cookies just like she can after all! Muricah heck yeah!!

lulz of the post

shall attempt to have new lulz per post but here is my instagram album of some lulz i find there.

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