Links I. Like

Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary : It is a dictionary. If I have to tell you what this is for…I hate you.

Cheffin’ it Up : I cook, and eat, some of my friends do too, here you will find images of it.

Center for Industrial Progress – Center for Industrial Progress is a for-profit think-tank seeking to bring about a new industrial revolution. We believe that human beings have the untapped potential to radically improve our lives by using technology to improve the planet.

Freedomain Radio – The Largest Philosophy Conversation in the World

Stefan Molyneux is a contemporary philosopher. He has a podcast and has authored several books. All available for free. I highly recommend him to anyone.

The Mises Institute

The Place for Austrian Economics. Founded in 1982, teaches the scholarship of Austrian economics, freedom, and peace. The liberal intellectual tradition of Ludwig von Mises (1881-1973) and Murray N. Rothbard (1926-1995) guides them, and I am impressed by the articles and videos they produce.

 Co2 Coalition

The CO2 Coalition seeks to engage thought leaders, policy makers, and the public in an informed and dispassionate discussion about the important contribution made by carbon dioxide and fossil fuels.


podcasts that I listen to and suggest. Alphabetical order.

Contra Krugman : “Contra Krugman is a weekly podcast, available on iTunes and Stitcher, that critiques the New York Times column of economist Paul Krugman. Hosts Bob Murphy and Tom Woods belong to the Austrian School of economics, which includes such luminaries as Ludwig von Mises, Nobel Prize winner F.A. Hayek, and Murray N. Rothbard.”

Informative and often humorous, full of analysis and backed with sources and breakdowns. Give a few a listen and you shall likely be hooked.

 Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History : The glorious way that Dan Carlin brings history to life… from the Mongols spanning leagues and centuries to the  intrigue of the Spanish-American war, ahh you should like history, and if you do not this could be how you begin. Click the link, visit his site, and enjoy what almost unmade us.

The Peter Schiff Podcast : “It doesn’t take long for listeners to figure out that The Peter Schiff Show is not politics as usual. The iconoclastic economist, author, and visionary investor combines his unique outlook on current events, economics, and political developments with humor and practical advice about life and personal finance.” I have learned a lot from listening to Mr. Schiff. I am admittedly not the most knowledgeable on the field of finance but he puts it in a cogent and engaging way.

Power Hour with Alex Epstein : Alex Epstein is a philosopher who applies big-picture, humanistic thinking to industrial and environmental controversies. He founded Center for Industrial Progress (CIP), a for-profit think tank and communications consulting firm.

The Tom Woods Show : Thomas E. Woods, Jr., is a senior fellow of the Mises Institute and host of The Tom Woods Show, which releases a new episode every weekday.

Your favorite human’s favorite Libertarian. Really the topics are so varied and engaging. Daily content so you can check the titles and see what jumps out at you. Then find yourself hooked.

Worlds Largest Online Philosophy Conversation : Contemporary Philosophy by Stefan Molyneux. Touches on a vast range of subjects, provides sources, and invites experts in other fields to share their information. Peaceful Parenting advocate, Has made the best case for following the Non Aggression Principle that I have found and Equal opportunity offender in his continued pursuit of virtue.

Uncommon Knowledge :

For more than two decades the Hoover Institution has been producing Uncommon Knowledge with Peter Robinson, a series hosted by Hoover fellow Peter Robinson as an outlet for political leaders, scholars, journalists, and today’s big thinkers to share their views with the world…“Uncommon Knowledge takes fascinating, accomplished guests, then sits them down with me to talk about the issues of the day,” says Robinson, an author and former speechwriter for President Reagan. “Unhurried, civil, thoughtful, and informed conversation– that’s what we produce. And there isn’t all that much of it around these days.”

I first discovered this by seeing the interviews with people like Thomas Sowell. Fantastic series of interviews.

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