Stationary plummets, regressive regression, Why WYPIPO?… | Come See This Thing #463

Series of posts about different things I read, saw or listened to brought together to create a somewhat related individual rant.

stationarily cycling into failure

Posted some videos from Wall Street Millennial about Peloton before. Here is a follow up. Turns out their CEO was a rather incompetent CEO. One of the primary positive of a freer market is how fast the capital & resources will be selected out and passed on to the most qualified people.

Even in the way the markets are mutated by central planners & regulators with state powers, we still see such examples where luck is not enough o remain successful.

Oh cripes that lil kid at 6 minutes in!

Do you have Peloton or now anyone that has one?How much better are they than typical stationary bikes and other stationary exercise things? I have haven’t really been into them, preferring to cycle or run outside if I am going to do that sort of cardio, btu i can understand their utility, especially in urban areas with limited space for cardio and certain climates with winter and rain.

Having said that, i’m at a loss for where the people in charge thought all the demand for their products would come from.

this is what you would expect

Some clear reasons to why companies like Peloton fail. They don’t have the capacity to create a product, Demand for the product they create, or management to get the products they do make to those who demand it. That seems straight forward to most people.

However there are recent failures in certain companies of certain sort that seem to not make sense to people of the same sort. Check this report out from The Hill’s Rising news program as “Ryan Grim breaks down the widespread disfunction at progressive organizations across the country.”

Climate change is so current an issue and your work so important but you can take 8 weeks off for internal issues🤷‍♂️. Assuming the actual company or org we talk about, for profit or not, is something that there is actual market demand for, then why does this diversity and affirmative action at top levels thing seem to happen shortly before issues start to arise? It’s not a case of hollow prizes. Lower level hiring practices and mission creep takes some time to get to leadership positions and by then the institutions or orgs are hollow. The mandate to exist and people who could leave or apply elsewhere takes its toll.

When women entered the field of medicine essentially doubling the potential pool of employees the salaries dropped? Ya don’t say!

Does he think it’s just every year a set number of doctors graduate? That schools don’t increase class sizes or open departments? That there isn’t an increase of certain ‘doctors’ such as pediatrics or vets that dilute the average?

My crush on Emily Jashinsky, from voice to thoughts continues. She is special.

riding bikes down cliffs

Back to bikes to show how certain decisions actually using the bike are kinda like what we see with regressive meltdowns crippling the orgs. Red Bull have gotten into sports. Some more extreme than others. Tends to make for some great footage. Here is an example of one of their sponsored athletes.

This is always a possibility when you do what he was doing. He gets it though. he knows the risk he’s not sitting there like Ryan saying its racism or white supremacy thinking they are invulnerable and have access to medical aide and insured ad supported by companies like Red Bull so they can take these risks more than cyclers of color.

One of the worst he’s ever had he says. As in this has happened before? Internets here I come.

This is more on that crash from Single Track:

Here he is on the mend

More work with red bull 

lulz of the post

shall attempt to have new lulz per post but here is my instagram album of some lulz i find there.

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