An Essay On Liberation : Conversation | Part III – “Subverting Forces – in Transition”

A conversation about “An Essay on Liberation” by Herbert Marcuse. Written in 1969 this essay expands on thoughts that Marcuse had on the state of society. Having read and discussed Repressive Tolerance, Stephen joins me as we delve deeper into the thoughts of the German sociologist, philosopher, and political theorist and try to see how it applies to how people today, have been inspired, guided and otherwise influenced by his scholarship.

If you would like to understand the academic underpinnings of some of the more perplexing movements in the westernized world, this content should be informative.

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How far along is the transition?
A: Began and failed already
B: they are now in power, The West has fallen
C: They are in the process of crumbling
D: Why are you denying the existence of transitory ideologies?
E: ___________

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One response to “An Essay On Liberation : Conversation | Part III – “Subverting Forces – in Transition”

  1. Pingback: An Essay On Liberation : Conversation | Part IV – “Solidarity” | Rant A. Tonne·

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