Cranky Racist Teacher | Perception Matters

Do Bank Tellers, Waiters, Gas station attendants claim that its’ “OUR” money, food, cars etc in the way this and many other teachers claim it’s “Our Kids”?

Shall be presenting some videos about a teacher in Iowa that decided it was a good idea to post videos of her thoughts about the great injustices occurring stemming from regulations and laws about what can eb taught in schools. In this first video she mentioned how “our children” were going to be affected as she talked about the students. This is a sentiment that has been shared by others. Some who birth children then send them to be taught/raised by other people whilst they go to schools and teach/raise children other people birthed.

That is just one of the odd thoughts that came to me while listening to this individual. Let’s see what you can pick up.

Parents, if you have children check where you are sending them. They are your children. You have most of the responsibility if you send them to be influenced by an authority figure with the mentality displayed by this individual, as surely as you would if you sent them to stand in a highway and they got hit by a car.

This is a racist. This is a sexualitist.

This teacher seems to consider not being white, hetero and/or similar as a handicap to not having broken a law. Why else are physically and mentally handicapped people grouped together with able bodied folk who have different lifestyles of phenotypes?

She, as a white is inherently a norm, in comparison to these other groups. Her simple posting of a flag or phrase then voting is some benevolent activity she has bestowed on the poor, crippled non white homosexuals, elevates her to a higher level.

As for the specific disadvantages pointed out, one can overcome the status of having broken a law, there is restitution, laws can change, can be found innocent etc etc. On homosexuality, outside of any genetic aspect, one can theoretically suppress the drive to be sexually active based on the attraction and choose a heterosexual coupling for the sake of convenience. When it comes to race though, can one stop being what they jut happen to be? No. You are eternally damned to the oppressed.

If you are a parent, find out what your children are being taught. Increasingly parents are revolting at the revolting material being taught. It is akin to what I expect the reaction to finding out what some of the more unsavory aspects of Christian religions were finding their way int the classrooms.

Speaking of religions:

She may possibly identify as a witch.

This seems like a troll. It is almost certainly not.

I attended an actual ceremony of hexing Donald Trump while in New York City which adds to my lack of surprise that she seems into that occult sphere and holds these sort of contemporary socio-political beliefs.She is not an example of most teachers as bell curves exist everywhere expression does. She’d be in the 11% most activist sort of teacher. That is concerning enough though. I would not want one teacher like this teaching any of my children any of these things she thinks are worth teaching.

Teachers and others in school whom physically abuse children are more of a minority than this individual is. It takes one to prey on your child and cause lifelong harm. Should abuse be ignored because it is limited to the mental sphere?

Fantastic thing about current year is how we can get more information about he lives of people like this than we have of folk some believe to be literal gods that created existence then lived on earth. The spread of information is a positive. i am an info absolutist. No such thing as inconvenient truths. If it’s known let me in on the knowing. Even if i don’t know what to do with said information it may come in handy later.

It is preferable that this teacher thought her views were worth sharing. Now more parents will choose to look into what their teachers do when they claim they are focused on simply teaching. The sharing of information provides teaching moments. Here is another based on something posted this in a group about urban living and planning.

I I was pleased at how many people countered the meme comment on this meme with sound points about politics and financial economics. Here is one that stuck out in particular:

Ffs, the richest country on earth has been building public housing for decades. It’s shit, and falls apart almost immediately. Do we even need to listen to those people who don’t yet understand the limitations of institutions which are accountable only to the least useful and most cumbersome method of feedback, the politicians?

Want higher quality at lower cost? Get the politicians out of the loop, with their rent controls, zoning restrictions and variances, arbitrary and capricious micromanagement, and always their grasping hands seeking benefits for the political class?There are no excuses for being so ignorant about the corrosive effects of politicians.

This was my reply:

It used to frustrate me. When I found about things like the Austrian school of economics and realized that they and others had been writing about things i was observing for over a century in some cases I got pissed. But then I realized why would anyone tell me? First i stopped projecting current ability to share info to the past. Media was more limited and controlled. Next was understandings like the schooling system being almost entirely reliant on politicians to exist, causes the conditions for cognitive dissonance. “we are funded by property taxes which make things more expensive but hey you should still come here and listen to us for the greater good.”

However we see the practical problems some have to deal are being reduced politicians are reaching on finding things to distract people on. OP, assuming wasn’t trolling or mocking the meme, may have not a single person in their in person circle that would disagree with their sentiment. This can now be posted here and have you and many others appropriately counter the inanity.

Individuals like the teacher and likely this meme posted will claim that we need to tear down systems. In the case of the teacher it is the same system that is in charge of hiring them. Placing them in a relative monopoly union over a compelled service they claim is invaluable that is funded by redistributing money in large part from home owners who are not directly using said service. As for the future the system guarantees them pensions to be paid by continueing to indebt future generations of children yet to be even conceived.

But you know why wont anybody think of OUR children?

This teacher does not want to destroy the system that is responsible for things she claims are issues. this meme poster does not understand the system that is responsible for the problem they believe is going unaddressed. Regardless the system is so broken that it creates the conditions for individuals like these that will be a part of its own destruction. Give them the platform to spread the empirical evidence of the schooling system. Let them display how well educated about practical aspects of civilization graduates of this system are. This sort of thing opens up so many more minds to alternate and superior forms of educating their very valuable children.

I thank her for being so self confident in her psychosis that she thought this was worth broadcasting so openly. I thank the meme poster for thinking this was a very important and powerful meme.

I do not think the teacher is trolling. As supported by repeated posts and what is supposedly her ex-husband in addition to people ya’ll may just know in your lives, it is what it is. Nothing about the system of selecting people to be and remain in the public schooling system schools would filter out for someone of her mentality.

As I mentioned she may be part of the top 11% but how influential and accepted are the members in this top percent?

Lets check in with this. Kimberlee Crenshaw coined the term Critical Race Theory. She was a recent guest on MSNBC’s Joy Reid show, who is a well known TV personality that supports Critical Race Theory’s claims. In what may be a series of sorts focusing on the increased discussion around the CRT and its related effect and applications Reid had Christopher Rufo on. Rufo is staunchly opposed to CRT and related ideology. Here is a breakdown by Christopher Ruto of his recent appearance on Joy Reid’s MSNBC show.

Check the comments.

Excellent example of different things happen for the same reasons and the same thing happening for different reasons. They literally will point out the the same exchange and think it went to Reid or Rufo. Several people insist that Rufo is quite wrong. That he has no idea what CRT is despite him providing examples. They do not say i see you said CRT is X but it actually is Y. They just claim he is wrong asking why others cannot see it.

Then there are the leaps of fancy. Check this exchange out.

What does CRT have to do with teaching the history of black people? What does having privilege have to do with being inherently racist? Rufo speaks about combating words being misused and this is what I think he means.

I agree wholeheartedly.

Problems occur not because of what X is but rather how we define X.

There is no CRT definition that does not include inherent oppression of blacks and supremacy of whites. There is hardly any way to support the continuation of the compelled monopoly that is the government schooling institution that does not include funding through redistribution of resources extorted via taxation.

Therefore I cannot support either.

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