Me, You & Your Career | Perception Matters

Saying men focused primarily on their career may not be a good partner/father isn’t controversial. Why is it, when you say women?

Very few men will care much about the career of a long term partner over their availability, and very few women will care about the availability of a long term partner over their career. In general someone leaves to track, hunt and then bring home the bacon the other secures the home, receives the bacon, cooks it then serves it up.

It tend’s to have a gender bias due to several evolutionary pressures and biological realities of the human species. One would think some career women would understand this more as they often participate in careers where there is a division of labor.

Friend commented that despite having a full-time career she has prioritized family.

Yup which is why i said primarily. Some people have hobbies they do on the side like gaming to enrich & entertain, some people do things like drink to relax and let loose. For most people career is a means to something else, a tool. Those focused on career over other things would in general only be more desirable to those in the field. If someone is primarily career focused they may not be the best person to start a professional gaming guild with or be some top patron that a local bar could count on keeping them in the black.

If you choose a partner based on their career, dont be surprised when you come in second. I think this is when it is often said to women about the men they choose. You knew he was a workaholic so why are you now surprised he is never home. On the inverse If you offer your career as your primary feature, don’t be surprised when someone likes you just for your resources or is uninterested because they are looking for companionship.

Have this talk ahead of time.

Enter your relationships wiht full knowledge that some of who you are when you met may remain that way. Some things may wither & fall away, others may strengthen over time. Communication throughout the process is key to success.

Lack of awareness of what a potential partner may have wanted in the past, present & future will set you up for disappointment & failure.

Another said:

“Because people are stupid. It’s never been more evident than right now with the ‘horse dewormer’ and the pathetic arguments people make regarding TX…

I hate calling people stupid, but theirs just no other way around it. They are so utterly moronic not only can they not make any type of legitimate position for themselves, but they’re to dimwitted to even realize what they’re saying is not even an actual argument to begin with.

Men shouldn’t give women medical care
Men shouldn’t cut women’s hair
Men shouldn’t do women’s nails
Men shouldn’t pierce women’s ears
Men shouldn’t raise a female child”

Good points there.

Im still hoping there are many who are just ignorant or otherwise damaged. Why should we expect otherwise. How many were not peacefully parented? How many were though the schooling industrial complex? I know the effect those two things among many others had on me.

15 years ago when I would have said many of the things these people now do, was I stupid? No.

Like a child in the womb i was just unable to fully comprehend let alone communicate the reality I existed in.

As for those who are literally incapable of understanding certain concepts are in general harmless. Stupid people are mostly harmless if not given positions of power over others. In a similar way to how the inquisitiveness & limitations of a child is mostly harmless when playing with a toy car but could be deadly in an actual one. This also applies to adults who may be drunk or in some cases just did not learn how to drive a car yet.

Capacity≠ Capability.

Once the incapable are told to say and do different things most will just go along, as they are not holding to any position based on some sort of strong conviction.

This regulating bodies thing is so inane. As you put there if a man should have no option because they cant get pregnant then why should any male perform an abortion? WHy be involved in building the clinic, manufacturing the tools? They support all sorts of laws that regulate bodies.Do they know what it is like to have somoene bring up a child you did not know you have and demand you pay for them or be thrown in jail? If not then they shoul’nt have a say in child support laws.

But no.

That’s different.

Another commented:

“It is controversial.

But yes some parts of society assume that one person need to make the kids #1, and I think they have a point. I don’t know that that person can’t be the man and that parents are bad if that is the case. Usually it’s the woman so people assume that will always be the case and the kids will be neglectful if neither parent makes them the priority, which isn’t strictly logical but has been known to happen.

Many Feminists of course think women should focus on their career, and they say women can have it all, even though there aren’t many careers where you can thrive doing it just during school hours.”

I am glad to have the people in my life that interact on this and other topics. What are your thoughts on the general aspect of why it is controversial to some if you claim a woman should be more focused on home & family to make a better partner as a wife?

If you are married what conversations did you have about this with your partner?

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