Discussing the $1,750,000,000,000 student debt crisis | Who got what who paid for?

Student loan debt cancelation is finally here. For decades the cost of schooling in the USA has grown exponentially resulting in the current $1.75 trillion of debts from loans taken for post high school degrees. Most recognize this is unhealthy for the body politic. With the impending post PANdemIC resumption of payments, president Joe Biden recently announced a scheme to ‘forgive’ potentially billions of dollars.

Stephen joins me to discuss this plan, the unaddressed underlying causes of the student loan debt crisis, propose some potential solutions and more.

youtube : odysee : bitchute : rumble

What do you think of Biden’s debt cancellation scheme?
A: It should be all the debt, education is a right!|
B: If the schools aren’t paying it’s pointless
C: Why do you want poor and POC to be dumb & uneducated
D: Now we see they never cared about bailouts

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