Promised injustice, Dafuq is this, stay off streets… | Come See This Thing #895

Series of posts about different things I read, saw or listened to brought together to create a somewhat related individual rant.

will lebron james to weigh in on this court case

Hear this story of two brothers who got off for killing someone that was smoking marijuana and pulling a simple prank on them but shooting at people with a fake gun? They were different races so you know its would be different if the races were swapped. From, “Jury finds Akron brothers not guilty of involuntary manslaughter in death of Ethan Liming during attack over pellet gun”.

“Police said Liming and his friends drove through the city during the evening on June 2, smoking marijuana and shooting people and objects with a soft gel gun. The plastic guns fire a capsule that is filled with water. The capsules often cause pain and minor irritation.

Liming’s friends pulled into the parking lot and drove directly to where the Staffords and their cousin, 21-year-old Donovon Jones, were playing basketball at the school, which is operated with help from the LeBron James Family Foundation. Liming and his friends began shooting them with the gel guns.

Deshawn Stafford approached Liming and attempted to take the gun away after being shot in the face. The two began fighting. His brother and cousin joined in the fight.”

Tough details on what little was known at the time it happened from the Akron Beacon Journal’s, “Family asks ‘people with courage’ to help identify who killed Ethan Liming,” and from another story, “Police say beating that killed Ethan Liming, 17, not ‘remotely reasonable or justified'” , unsurprisingly you see a mix of ethnicities coming to the vigil. Was it an excessive response once the gun was known to be fake? I’d say yeah and nto sure how much moving the car had to do with taking Liming to the hospital after punting his head though. Then time passes and more is known about the circumstances leading to this case and findings. More analysis here from “Verdict announced in trial of 2 brothers accused in death of Akron teen Ethan Liming: See what the jury decided” with details left out from Gateway Pundits coverage that make it seem like its one innocent pastor’s kid that dindu nuffin wrong just stomped to death by multiple assailants.

Do you think race played a significant part in the incident or finding? Some defense said what may have been a prank to Liming was no joke considering where the Staffords and Jones came from. Does not seem the intent was murder but certainly a good reminder that fighting can lead to just that. It’s not a game.

complicated versus convoluted

Some complicated things about what happened with those teens. Hard to parse out what was right or wrong. What to do with the results. But when it comes to politics convolution seeps in on things that should not be in the least bit complicated. I get that people get that politicians are almost required to lie for the sake of their greater good but some recent stories are such ‘you could not write this’ sort of isht.

Alex Christoforou summarizes some recent debacles in “No apology to Russia. Poroshenko strikes again. UKR asked to hit Iran, Syria. Rock star Blinken. U/1

Aired out by The Guardian. Whelp pivot to election season is here, that can meet the dopamine of fear and being part of ‘the settled greater good that the usual REEEgresives need for to feel they are on the right side of history.

Check this out.

Once again I ask, do folk think Canadian bureaucrats and politicos responsible for it are too incompetent to have known through and through, or they knew and just did not care? Ashton-Cirilo in that prank call didn’t know but then why would they just talk on phone like that if there was no confirmation first that it couldn’t be let’s say a prank call?

Maybe at this point they were all F it i’m fired I may as well air ti all out. Delusion is a thing too. Kinda beginning to truly see things as it’s not so much about getting caught in lies, but rather what is the cost of being caught when lying

cars and guns in streets vs gaige

Folk lied about Kyle Rittenhouse. Seems that everyone who heard even a iota about the case thought they knew it was clearly a case of white supremacist gun toting racist out there angry that black people dont want to be hunted by cops, or some other caricature. Millions may still think he shot black people. Millions more than it was unarmed people who dindu nuffin wrong but want to be allies for blacks.

Many of those did not actually see any of the readily available video of the incident. So can say it’s ignorance rather than liars on how guilty Rittenhouse was. One person though who was lying was Gaige Grosskreutz. Who was there, saw a downed Rittenhouse in the street, ran up to hit him with his skateboard, then got shot in response. Personal direct results of his lies was exposure in the case. THis right here though may be karma for those who believe in that stuff. Im jsut thinking its more that he may have less situational awareness of certain danger in streets.

Kenosha County Eye, “Kyle Rittenhouse Attacker Gaige Grosskreutz Hit By Car In Milwaukee – New Name Revealed: Video”

“The criminal Paul Prediger, formerly known as Gaige Grosskreutz, chastised Kenosha County Eye for reporting first, that he secretly asked a judge to change his name. Grosskreutz is known for being the man who pointed a gun at then-17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse during the riots of 2020 and was shot for it. Rittenhouse was acquitted of any wrong-doing for shooting the career criminal.”

lulz of the post

shall attempt to have new lulz per post but here is my instagram album of some lulz i find there.

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