Blood feud lobbyists, bomb boasting, owning your slavery… | Come See This Thing #987

Series of posts about different things I read, saw or listened to brought together to create a somewhat related individual rant.

 how immigrant blood feuds fuel american foreign policy

It is common to hear about how ‘big pharma’ or ‘big oil’ hires lobbyists who influence the legislature of the US government for their own benefits. But how about the special interest groups for various ethnicities and nationalities that have settled in the USA?

The Israel lobby, primarily AIPAC is well known but did you know there is a Palestinian lobby in the USA? Did you know they was no German lobby until 2021ish?

Learn more in this War, Economy, and State podcast, “Ethnic Interest Groups Fuel the American Warfare State

“Ryan and Zachary look at how interest groups representing Ukrainians, Iraqis, Israelis, and others have often lobbied for US intervention in foreign wars that in no way benefit the American population overall.”

It is common to mention how much illegal migrants still want to recreate the country they left and keep up the ties to that culture instead of assimilating, but that is also true to an extent about legal migrants. Especially if that country or culture they left is one that is protected or held up by the country they move to. And in USA there are favored cultures and peoples.

For example if you are Ukrainian versus Russian, guess which sort of cultural restaurant or other business and activity would be embraced in current timeline?

ukraine is an advertisment for the military industrial complex

When I see a headline like the following from the Daily Mail, “Dozens of Russian sailors are thought to have died when ‘British-supplied Storm Shadow missile’ fired by Ukraine obliterated warship in Crimea” I am less concerned with the lacking in evidence claims typical of propaganda such as, “Some 77 were on board when the strike triggered an explosion of ammunition ” but rather the nature of the boasting.

M$M will say Ukraine uses British missile to kill Russians but won’t say Israel drops US bombs to kill Gazans. They must know it will not be taken the same way by demographics. As is common wiht political issues, the reaction is more interesting than the action.

Some comments:

Putin caused it like Hamas caused the bombing of Palestinians right? In this case Russian man bad. the target Demographics in the population are eating this up. GO TEAM! However the same people who say say bomb Iran because they arm and fund Hamas would agree that Russia should now bomb Britain for funding and supplying Ukraine? Some fear that:

Those in control are relatively certain that Russia will do noting of the sort. Think of how many in the Eliterati visit Ukraine. Did you know they do it by actually informing the Russians that they are going to travel to Ukraine so as not to be fired upon? However when Russian officials travel they get harassed.

But dontcha know, they white westerners are the good guys. Unlike how they used to eb the eternal bad guys like back in slavery as I mentioned in yesterdays Come See This Thing. Because there is a lot being forgotten about slavery.

black men and white women partnership crumbling?

Do white women and Black men have a sort of socio political alliance in how they view the world? More black men vote democrat than white women but could focus on strictly the black men and their white female allies. Allies in oppression according to some of them. like how the feminist movement and various other women’s groups have appropriated the civil rights movements racial foundation.

This is common though, women taking over socio political movements to activise for their own sisterhood, just as ethnicities will be known to do it for their in groups. Some people are calling that out. 2 comics on a bench point out that “white Women Were Slave Owners.”

lulz of the post

shall attempt to have new lulz per post but here is my instagram album of some lulz i find there.

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One response to “Blood feud lobbyists, bomb boasting, owning your slavery… | Come See This Thing #987

  1. Pingback: Is she trolling(?), foreign colonialists, is single-parenthood American(?)… | Come See This Thing #1021 | Rant A. Tonne·

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