TransMAGA, Rufo on NPR, Rare Asian shooter… | Come See This Thing #1096

Series of posts about different things I read, saw or listened to brought together to create a somewhat related individual rant.

do certain people lack the diversity to be a trump voter?

What kind of caricature in mind do folk like this have of conservatives and alphabet folk? Biden will have fundraisers for Jewish folk for instance or events for Muslims but doesn’t mean a majority of Dem voters are that group or support their core lifestyles or wants.

Caitlyn Jenner is one prominent conservative. There are Gays against Groomers. Generally LGB people are just normal folk with alternative sexual preferences not specifically politically regressive. And according to some recent activity, Brianna Wu may be joining Jenner in they characterization. At least by people like this Not John Burk person even if Wu would not self Identify as such.

Bet the regressives don’t agree that Wu is allowed to self identify as a leftist regardless of what the regressives define as a leftist unlike how they would demand everyone define Wu as a woman.

wu’d have thought it?

Should running over people who chose to stand in the road be a crime? Many may say yes, but may say no to the question should stepping on a car parked on a sidewalk be one?

Brianna Wu of is oddly agreeable on this.

I say misdemeanor with a top fine of whatever the country’s equivalent of $100 is, and maybe 10 hours of community service.

Protest in the street if you mean it enough, but mean it enough to risk your bodily health without expecting the state to punish anyone else from their right to use the thoroughfare in the means it was designed to be used.

 Have regressives just gone so far they have left Wu seeming comparatively based or is this some fakery of seeing where the discourse is going? Because check this out.

Unusual times are coming. Underrepresented trump voters and anti SJW, now the rise of Asian shooters?

rooftop vietnamese is a thing now?

Recently O.J. Simpson passed on. Some of the usual racialists said black were happy for him as it was retribution for what they claim was an unjust ruling on Rodney King. A ruling in which they rioted. Which led to rooftop Koreans protecting their stores from the mob. Here is a Rooftop Vietnamese, no word if he has anything to say about OJ.

I have been assured by the aforementioned racialists that only white perps et apprehended alive. What gives here? IS it too dark for the cops to tell Nguyen was not a WYPIPO™?

lulz of the post

shall attempt to have new lulz per post but here is my instagram album of some lulz i find there.

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One response to “TransMAGA, Rufo on NPR, Rare Asian shooter… | Come See This Thing #1096

  1. Pingback: Teen dindus, made for NPR, affordable damages… | Come See This Thing #1106 | Rant A. Tonne·

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