Marry Him! – Settling For Mr. Good Enough | A Manversation About Lori Gottlieb’s Book

Are quality relationships at an all time low? Is there any reason to even bother trying to get married in current year? Is the empowerment of women the reason all the good men have gone? We say no, yes & it’s complicated

Stephen read the book “Marry Him: The Case for Settling for Mr. Good Enough” by Lori Gottlieb & joins me to discuss the book marketed as a “An eye-opening, funny, painful, and always truthful in-depth examination of modern relationships and a wake-up call for single women about getting real about Mr. Right.”

Stephen & I are not the target demographic of this book which would be single women in their 20s & 30s living in primarily urban areas. We are interested in the primary topic of a desire to get married for the purpose of starting a family & raising children. If that’s not for you, Gottlieb still has good info about our societies. We’re somewhat experts in our own lived but that has it’s inherent limitations so may be wrong about things & would be glad to hear from all of you guys, gals & everything in between about what you have observed or experienced.

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Check the reviews on sites for some input from some in the target demo. Are some of the harsh comments just from contented coupled women or primarily from the involuntarily single ones being rather salty?

As for the reaction to the term “settle,” I’m doing better at removing the cultural subjective connotations to words in lieu of just taking them as descriptions of X.

When you move to a new house you settle in. If you are embroiled in a conflict seems like it won’t be resolved without much damage to all parties, you can settle for a mutually beneficial/preferable agreement. If things are generally chaotic in your lifetaking time to focus on yourself & core issues can help settle things down.

So glad you decided to settle down & come along with us in this conversation.

Should women settle for Mr. Good Enough?
A: Yes, unless they are the few exceptional women
B: No, all women are queens so man-up & do better!!!
C: Marriage is a scam for everyone
D: What woman hurt you?
E: _____________

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